Press the “Set boot mode” button.
The inscription “Boot” is displayed on the laser tag gun screen and the numbers that
will further show the percentage of firmware download.
Screen in boot mode
At the same time, the numbers of the kits included in the boot mode and the presence
of the firmware to be flashed should be displayed on the screen of the BootLoader program.
Microcontroller firmware for game kits
The procedure for updating the firmware of microcontroller kits is as follows:
Using the File/Open dialog (or by pressing Ctrl + O), select the firmware files from
the computer’s hard drive. For blaster and vest controllers, combined firmware
ARENA_v.X.lzt (where X is the firmware version), for the screen - lcd_main_X.lzt.
Holding the Shift button, you can select both files at once. Click the “Open” button.
The program automatically determines what type of device and component the
selected firmware belongs to. To deselect a file - click the cross next to its name. If
the file does not determine the device’s ownership or the file is damaged, an error
message will be displayed.
With the correct choice of firmware, the “Start” button becomes active, by clicking
on which the process of flashing microcontrollers begins. Progress bars at the
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Firmware progress
firmware file
Indicator of the firmware
download process