Updating game kits firmware
Before updating the firmware of game sets (b vest), it is recommended to check
the current versions. To do this, turn on the kit in service mode - with the trigger held down.
The blaster screen will take the following form:
OLED screen in service mode
Check firmware version. If it differs from the installed one, or there is a need to update
the current one, continue the procedure.
Firmware can be updated by several kits at the same time, but it is recommended to
carry out the procedure with no more than 10th.
To update the firmware of game kits, you need to enable them in bootmode. The mode
is activated by pressing the power button of the control unit of the vest while simultaneously
holding the reload button and the blaster trigger.
You can also put the bootmode from the program. For that, you need to:
Turn on kits whose microcontroller firmware will be flashed.
Wait for their connection to the server and the appearance of kit tiles in the right
panel of the program.
Putting kits into bootmode
In the “Change kit ID” field, select either “All” (if all kits are switched to this mode),
or the required number from the drop-down list.
Kit ID
Battery charge
Blaster firmware
Vest firmware
Hotspot Name