In the ARENA program, in the “Change ID” tab - “Change ID MS” field, select the
number of the reprogrammed Station from the drop-down list (or, if you want to
flash all connected devices, click on the “All” option).
Press the “Set boot mode” button.
Successful transfer of devices to boot mode will be manifested by their
disconnection from the ARENA program and, accordingly, by changing the
connection display in the device cell on the status panel. At Multistations, the
screens go out, only the side light is on.
Go to the BootLoader program. In the right pane, Station IDs should be visible.
Using the File/Open dialog (or by pressing Ctrl + O) select the firmware file
(SUD_MS_vХ.lzt , previously downloaded to the PC, where X is the firmware version).
Click the “Open” button. If the file does not determine the device’s ownership or
the file is damaged, an error message will be displayed. To deselect a file - click the
cross next to its name. The MS Video firmware in the current version of the device
does not need to be downloaded.
BootLoader program window with loaded Multistation firmware
With the correct choice of firmware, the “Start” button becomes active, by clicking
on which the process of flashing microcontrollers begins. Progress bars at the
same time show the percentage of completion of the operation. All LEDs on the
device go out. The process can be stopped by clicking on the “Stop” button.
At the end of the firmware, the MSs automatically go into standby mode (the
image of the company logo appears on the panels, and the side-lighting LEDs
alternately light up and fade green), connect to the server, and information about
them reappears in the status bar of the game devices of the ARENA program.
If some devices fail during firmware, the procedure should be repeated.
Current firmware