FT-111(D) Panel Weighing Indicator, Technical Manual, Rev.1.0.0, May 2019
Zero and Span Adjustments
In this sub-block you can only perform zero adjustment or span adjustment automatically without performing full
calibration. Do not perform span calibration if eCal electronic calibration.
Automatic Zero Adjustment
1. Press
key at the [ 621 ZERO ADJUSTM ] prompt to start the zero adjustment.
2. At the [ UNLOAD THE PAN] prompt, remove any weight on the platform, then press
3. The terminal automatically starts to capture zero and the [ WAIT ] message appears during zero
Automatic Span Adjustment
1. Press
key at the [ 622 SPAN ADJUSTM ] prompt to start the span adjustment.
2. At the [
] [ XXXXXX ] prompt, the test weight value will be used for the calibration
seen on the display. Enter the test weight value via pressing
key to increase or press
key to decrease the blanking digit and press or key to select digit. A minimum test load
requirement is 20% of scale capacity for accurate calibration. FLINTEC recommends test load
between 50% to 75% of the capacity.
3. Place the test weights on the scale.
4. Press
to start span calibration. [ WAIT ] message will appear on the display 10 seconds
during span calibration.
Automatic Span Adjustment Under Load
This parameter is being used to perform span adjustment of a scale without lifting the load on it. This operation
especially used for span adjustment tank / silo which have some material in it. You can make span adjustment
without emptying the tank.
1. Press
key at the [ 623 S UNDER LOAD ] prompt to start the span adjustment under load.
2. [ P.ZERO ] prompt appears on the display to indicate the scale load will be determined as
temporary zero.
3. Press
key and the display will show [ WAIT ] message during temporary zero adjustment.
4. At the [
] [ XXXXXX ] prompt, the test weight value will be used for the calibration
is seen on the display. Enter the test weight value via pressing
key to increase or press
key to decrease the blanking digit and press or key to select digit. A minimum test load
requirement is 20% of scale capacity for accurate calibration. FLINTEC recommends test load
between 50% to 75% of the capacity. Sum of the preload of the scale and test weight must be less
than capacity.
5. Place the test weights on the scale.
6. Press
to start span calibration. [ WAIT ] message will appear on the display 10 seconds
during span calibration.
7. Zero adjustment is recommended after emptying the scale.