FT-111(D) Panel Weighing Indicator, Technical Manual, Rev.1.0.0, May 2019
Data Format
Data format of weight value can be programmable for Floating point (IEEE 754) or Integer. Refer to parameter
[ 191 ].
EtherNet/IP Parameters
EtherNet/IP parameters can be adjusted by keys in programming mode. Refer to parameter block [ 19- ]. Additionally,
EtherNet/IP parameters set up are done by EtherX PC software over Local Network Area or by Flintec set up PC software.
Both softwares are available in CD which is supplied together with the instrument.
EDS Configuration
EtherNet/IP data structures consist of 2 pcs Input-2 words and 2 pcs Output-2 words. EDS configuration for PLC
programmers is shown in Figure 10.5 and Figure 10.6.
Figure 10.5
– Configuration of module properties without EDS file
Host Name
Device name of the instrument.
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol automates network parameters if it is
IP Address
If DHCP is disabled, obtain IP address manually.
Refer to parameter 192.
If DHCP is disabled, obtain default gateway manually.
Refer to parameter 195.
Subnet Mask
If DHCP is disabled, obtain subnet mask manually.
Refer to parameter 194.
Primary DNS
If DHCP is disabled, obtain primary DNS manually.
Secondary DNS
If DHCP is disabled, obtain secondary DNS manually.
Default password is 123456