FT-111(D) Panel Weighing Indicator, Technical Manual, Rev.1.0.0, May 2019
Programming steps of frequent used commands:
Reading a weight value:
Check the B47…B44 bits of TxPDO 1 (T_UL1).
2. If there is not any error, read the weight value ( gross, net or tare ).
Zero Calibration procedure:
1. Check the Bit-0 of Calibration Status. it should be '1'(set) to start adjustment.
Write ‘Adjust Zero Calibration’ command and apply New CMD to start Zero calibration.
3. Check the Bit-1 of Calibration Status. it is '1'(set) during zero calibration process.
4. The Bit-0 of Calibration Status changes to '1'(set) at the end of the Zero calibration.
5. If the Bit-3~Bit-10 of Calibration Status is '1'(set), check the description to understand the calibration
Span Calibration procedure:
1. Check the Bit-0 of Calibration Status. it should be '1'(set) to start adjustment.
Write ‘Adjust Span Calibration’ command after writing test weight values to Low Dword of RxPDO 1
(R_UL1), then apply this command with New CMD to start Span calibration.
3. Check the Bit-1 of Calibration Status. it is '1'(set) during span calibration process.
4. The Bit-0 of Calibration Status changes to '1'(set) at the end of the Span calibration.
5. If the Bit-3~Bit-10 of Calibration Status is '1'(set), check the description to understand the calibration