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Conversely, the passenger’s side front electric window regulator control directly drives the
passenger’s side window regulator motor with no electronic control of the motor itself.
Similarly with the first model, rear electric window regulator control is not available.
The third model features control of both the front electric window regulators and the rear
electric window regulators: in this case, the controls are acquired by an electronic module
located inside the window regulator motor. This model features a function with an automatic
device both for the up and down movement on all four window regulators, including the anti-
pinch protection.
Moreover, this model features a control used to disable the window regulator controls placed
on the rear doors, complete with its respective signalling LED.
Window regulator control on the passenger’s side front door (CDC)
The window regulator control on the passenger’s side front door is connected through the
passenger’s side front door cable harness, to provide the respective window regulator motor
with the control. It receives the power supply for ideograph lighting and correct operation of the
control itself.
Two passenger’s side front window regulator control models are available, depending on the
body version.
The window regulator control of the base model directly drives the electric motor on the
passenger’s side front door with no electronic control of the motor itself.
The window regulator control of the second model is acquired by an electronic module located
inside the electric motor on the passenger’s side front door. This model features automatic
functioning both during the up and down movement, with anti-pinch protection.
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