(75 & 90 HP)
Fiat Auto S.p.A.
After Sales Training
Every time the rotor passes in front of the sensor, the output voltage from the sensor is varied,
due to the Hall effect: this variation takes place during all the time when the rotor passes in
front of the sensor, then the signal returns to the initial value (5V).
N.B. If the sensor is faulty, the control unit will make use of internal emergency mapping which
will allow the engine to be started in any case.
Boosting pressure sensor
The boosting pressure sensor is fitted to the inlet manifold and makes it possible to measure a
suction pressure up to 1.5 bar (corresponding with 2.5 absolute bar).
The sensitive element consists of a piezoresistive element, the signal of which is amplified by
an electronic circuit built into the sensor. The sensor is directly powered by the electronic
control unit with 5 V and provides the output voltage directly proportional to the boosting
gb Fiat Grande Punto OK
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