Installation and connection
Doc. no. BA012498_03
21 / 112
4.3.6 Connecting DALI buttons
An external DALI button can be connected to the DALI interface C0. The
DALI button is an external module that sends standard 16-bit commands
(IEC 62386-102:2009). For example, you can switch on and dim the
lighting using the DALI button. It is also possible to activate scenes using a
DALI scene module. Chapter 15.1 on page 107 contains a list of the possi-
ble DALI commands.
The Esylux DALI push button 8x DALI TW (item number EC10430930)
is configured accordingly by default. This allows you to send the following
commands without an additional scene module:
• Lighting on/off
• Dim brightness
• Adjust colour temperature
• SymbiLogic on
• Scene 1-4 on
If Light Control Boxes are connected using DALI (see chapter 4.3.8 on page
23) or ELC bus (see chapter 4.4 on page 29), all lights attached to con-
nected devices receive the button commands.
There are two connection options:
1. You can use one of the C0 sockets. Suitable jacks are available from
ESYLUX as an accessory.
External DALI