Bardic Knowledge
A bard picks up a lot of stray knowledge while wandering the land and learning stories from other bards. A
bard may make a special bardic knowledge check with a bonus equal to his level + his Intelligence modifier
to see whether he knows some relevant information about magical items.
Bard Music
All bards have a starting song (the Ballad of the Three Heroes) and gain more songs as they go up in levels.
Unless otherwise noted, all bard songs have a radius of 30 feet.
The Ballad of Three Heroes
Bards start the game with the ability to play this ballad. When the Ballad of Three Heroes is played, all the
bard’s allies gain +1 to hit, +1 damage, and +1 saving throws.
The Tale of Curran Strongheart
Bards gain this song at 3rd level. When Tale of Curran Strongheart is being played, any fear effects on the
bard’s allies are removed and they gain an immunity to fear effects for as long as the song lasts.
Tymora’s Melody
Bards gain this song at 5th level. When played, Tymora’s Melody gives the bard’s 1 luck, +3 saving
throws, and +2 to Knowledge (Arcana), Disable Device, Move Silently, Search and Alchemy skills.
The Song of Kaudies
Bards gain this song at 7th level. When the Song of Kaudies is played, the bard’s allies gain a 50% chance to
shrug off the effects of spells such as Silence, Shout, Great Shout, Command, or any other sound-based attacks.
The Siren’s Yearning
Bards gain the Siren’s Yearning at 9th level. When played, the bard’s enemies must make a Will save or be
enthralled, unable to take action unless 10 rounds pass or they take damage.
War Chant of Sith
The War Chant of Sith becomes available to bards when they reach 11th level. When played during combat, the
bard’s allies gain a +2 bonus to AC, a damage reduction of 2, and they regenerate 3 hit points every round.
Turning Undead
One important, and potentially life-saving, combat ability available to clerics and paladins is the ability to turn
undead (note that druids cannot turn undead). Through the cleric or paladin, their deity manifests a portion
of its power, terrifying undead creatures or blasting them out of existence. However, since this power must be
channeled through a mortal vessel, success is not always assured. This ability is a mode selection for that
character - nothing else can be attempted while she is attempting to turn undead. Good clerics and paladins
can turn undead so they lose morale and run away, or (less often) destroy them outright. Evil clerics can
sometimes gain control of undead, who can then perform actions for the cleric. The turning undead ability
improves with level, but it can never be done more than three plus the character’s Charisma modifier times
per rest period.
Spontaneous Casting
Clerics can convert their currently memorized spells into healing spells (if good) or inflict spells (if evil)
when the player shift-L-clicks on a spell at the time of casting.
Note that in the original Icewind Dale, the Turn Undead button was a separate button. In Icewind Dale
II it is now part of the cleric’s Special Abilities.
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