combined attack bonus of +10 (+7 for the monk class, +3 for the wizard class). Normally, this would give
her an additional attack at +5 (+10/+5 on Table 3: Base Save and Base Attack Bonuses), but she can instead
take the two additional unarmed attacks listed for a 10th-level monk, +4 and +1 (+7/+4/+1 on Table 4:
Monk Unarmed Bonuses).
Saving Throws:
Add the base save bonuses for each class together. A 7th-level rogue/4th-level wizard gets
+3 on Fortitude saving throws (+2 as a 7th-level rogue and +1 as a 4th-level wizard), +6 on Reflex saving
throws (+5 and +1), and +6 on Will saving throws (+2 and +4).
The character retains and can access skills from all his or her classes. For purposes of calculating
maximum ranks, a skill is a class skill if at least one of the character’s classes has it as a class skill. The max-
imum rank for a class skill is 3 + the character level. For a 7th-level rogue/4th-level wizard (an 11th-level
character), a rogue skill or wizard skill has a maximum rank of 14. For a cross-class skill, maximum rank is
half the maximum for a class skill. If a skill is unavailable to a class (that is, if it’s an exclusive skill that a
multiclass character’s other class doesn’t have access to), then levels in that class don’t increase the multi-
class character’s maximum ranks. For instance, the 7th-level rogue/4th-level wizard would have a maximum
rank of 10 in Use Magic Device, an exclusive class skill for rogues. The extra four levels in the wizard class
do not increase the character’s maximum rank with Use Magic Device.
Class Features:
The character gets all class features of all classes but must also suffer the consequences of
all special restrictions of all classes. (Exception: A character who acquires the barbarian class does not
become illiterate.) Some class features don’t work well with skills or class features of other classes. For
example, although rogues are proficient with light armor, a rogue/wizard still suffers arcane spell failure
chances if wearing armor.
In the special case of turning undead, both clerics and experienced paladins have the same ability. If the
character’s paladin is level 3 or higher, her effective turning level is her cleric level plus her paladin level
minus 2. Thus, a 5th-level paladin/4th-level cleric turns undead like a 7th-level cleric.
In the special case of uncanny dodge, both experienced barbarians and experienced rogues have the same
ability. A barbarian/rogue can treat her barbarian levels as rogue levels to determine how effective her uncan-
ny dodge is.
For multiclass characters, feats are received every three character levels, regardless of individual class
level (see Table 3: Experience and Level-Dependent Benefits).
Ability Increases:
For multiclass characters, abilities are increased every four character levels, regardless
of individual class level (see Table 3: Experience and Level-Dependent Benefits).
The character gains spells from all his or her classes. Thus, an experienced ranger/druid may have
the spell protection from elements both as a ranger and as a druid. Since the spell’s effect is based on the
class level of the caster, the player must keep track of whether the character is preparing and casting protec-
tion from elements as a ranger or as a druid.
Adding a Second Class
When a single-class character gains a level, he or she may choose to increase the level of his or her current
class or pick up a new class at 1st level. The character gains all the 1st-level base attack bonuses, base save
bonuses, class skills, weapon proficiency, armor proficiency, spells, and other class features of the new class,
as well as a Hit Die of the appropriate type. In addition, the character gets the new class’s per-level skill
points, however the number is not quadrupled, as it would be if this were the character’s first level in their
first class.
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