Gnomes comprise gnomes (rock gnomes), and one sub-race, deep gnomes (svirfneblin).
Kin to dwarves, gnomes are noticeably smaller than their distant cousins. (Gnomes, as they proud-
ly maintain, are also less rotund than dwarves.) Most have dark tan or brown skin, white hair, and rather
large noses. Gnomes have natural resistance to magic and can see in the dark with darkvision. They gain a
bonus to Intelligence, but a penalty to Wisdom.
A +2 to Constitution, + 1 to hit vs. kobolds, goblins, hobgoblins, and bugbears, +4 AC
Bonus when attacked by giant sized creatures (ogres, giants), +2 to Alchemy, and darkvision.
-2 to Strength
Favored Class:
Illusionist Specialist Wizard
Deep Gnome:
Also known as svirfneblin, the deep gnomes of the Realms are a secretive, mysterious race.
Found in the deepest caverns of the Underdark, the svirfneblin live in constant fear of slavery or destruction
at the hands of dark elves, mind flayers, and duergar. Deep gnomes are legendary for their ability to handle
stone and gems. They have gray skin and gray or white hair.
A +2 to Dexterity, +2 to Wisdom, +2 to Search, +2 to Hide (+4 when “Inside”), Spell
Resistance of 11 + level, + 1 to hit vs. kobolds, goblins, hobgoblins, and bugbears, +4 Miscellaneous
bonus to AC, Mirror Image 1/day, Invisibility 1/day, Blur 1/day, Nondetection, and darkvision.
-2 to Strength, -4 to Charisma, character level is considered 3 levels higher when
the experience for advancing levels is determined
Favored Class:
Illusionist Specialist Wizard
Halflings comprise halflings (lightfoot halflings), and two sub-races, strongheart halflings, and ghostwise
Halflings are short, generally plump people, much like small humans. Their faces are round and
broad, and often quite florid. Their hair is typically curly, and the tops of their feet are covered with coarse
hair. Halflings are highly resistant to poisons and magic, are naturally skilled with slings as weapons, and
have a limited ability to see in the dark. They receive a bonus to Dexterity, but a penalty to Strength.
+2 to Dexterity, +2 to Move Silently, +1 to all saving throws, +2 on saving throws vs.
Fear, and a +1 to hit with Thrown Weapons.
-2 to Strength.
Favored Class:
Strongheart Halflings:
While the lightfoot halflings value the experience of travel and the sight of new
lands and peoples, the stronghearts are a more organized, orderly, and industrious race. They build to last,
and fiercely defend their homelands against threats that their lightfoot kin would simply flee.
+2 to Dexterity, bonus Feat at first level, +2 to Move Silently, and +2 on saving throws
vs. Fear, and a +1 to hit with Thrown Weapons.
-2 to Strength.
Favored Class:
Ghostwise Halflings:
Ghostwise halflings are the feral, reclusive cousins of lightfoot and strongheart
halflings. They are found most often in the southern forests of the Realms living in small communities.
Ghostwise halflings are rarely seen in large cities, but occasionally set out to explore the world for reasons
known only to themselves. Visitors to ghostwise settlements often report that the halflings have a kinship so
tight with their fellows that they can communicate without speaking.
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