Note that a cleric, druid, paladin, or other character with healing magic can heal Reig outside of dia-
logue, then speak to him again for an additional experience point award. Even if he is healed in this
manner, however, Reig still stubbornly asks the player to retrieve the healing potion from Magdar.
Your purpose at the docks is to defeat the goblin forces that have attacked the docks. To do this,
you’ll need to scour the docks, enter every building, and take down any goblin you find. Only when you have
cleared out all the houses and warehouses along the docks will you have saved the town and advance to the
next stage of the game. Be sure to check each house for goblins, or else you will not be able to advance - talk
to Reig, Honest Jon, or Crandall occasionally and report your progress. When you’ve finished the docks,
they’ll let you know when you’ve succeeded.
Get Weapons:
The quarter staves you start the game with are terrible weapons, and you need better equip-
ment, fast. There are a lot of dead soldiers and goblins in town, and many of them have dropped their
weapons. The best thing to do is to wander around the town, picking up what weapons you can from the fall-
en soldiers and goblins and equipping your party. Be on your guard - there are goblins scattered all over
town, and they’ll attack you in pairs or singly (even more if the difficulty setting is higher).
If you are badly wounded, be sure to retreat to Hedron’s ship (or other safe location) and talk to
him so you can rest and recover your hit points and spells.
Make a Note of Where Your Allies Are:
If you are in bad shape and goblins are chasing you all over
the Docks, try to lure them over to where some soldiers are. When they see a goblin, they’ll move to attack it,
giving you some breathing room.
Retrieving the Potion from Magdar:
Magdar can be found in the Gallaway warehouse (see the map,
Location 2). The door to the warehouse is locked, so you will need to pick the lock or force the door open
(see Bashing Doors and Containers, under “Adventuring in Targos,” above). Speak to Magdar in the ware-
house, then begin searching the crates in the room, breaking all the kegs and forcing/picking the lock of all
the crates until you come across the healing potion you need. Take anything else you need from the crates
and barrels to equip your party. Be careful while searching the warehouse, however - goblins may come upon
you during the attack. Once you have raided the warehouse, you should be well-equipped to handle the rest
of the goblins in town and you should have the healing potion that Reig needs. Make sure your best archers
and missile-using characters are well-armed, and have them target any goblin archers they see before the
archers can do any harm.
Salty Dog Tavern:
After you deliver the potion to Reig, make your way to the Salty Dog Tavern (location 5
on the map). Here you’ll find the barkeep, Gohar, the Iron Collar Mercenary Band (Black Geoffrey, Kickshaw,
and Blanchard Pike), who are too busy drinking themselves to death to be of any use in the attack, and
Guthewulfe Henghelm, a river trader. Guthewulfe is important for two reasons, one, is he is a readily available
store (you can buy a host of basic weapons from him to outfit the party), and two, once you have succeeded
in driving the goblins from the docks, you can engage him in a drinking game to win his wolf charm -
although the person challenging Guthewulfe should have a high Constitution in order to keep his guts down
after the first few tankards of boar’s blood.
Saving Hedron’s Mother:
Although he is reluctant to admit the blood ties, Hedron’s mother, Firtha, is
located in the southern house along the docks (see location 6 on the map of the Targos Docks). Brace for
combat when you enter, as she is being menaced by goblins that have busted into her home.
Jorun Tamewater:
This crusty dwarven soldier is standing around a pile of dead goblins just south of the
beached ship. Speak to him, and you can get an idea of how the goblins may have gotten to the docks without
sounding the alarm. His house is located to the southwest, and be careful when opening his footlocker, as he
has it rigged with a nasty gas trap.
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