Action and the Fog of War
Most actions cannot be performed in areas that you cannot see. Every character can see a certain distance
away from them, and anything beyond that is called the “fog of war” (i.e., the area is ‘blacked-out’ or gray-
shaded). This means your characters cannot see around a building until they move to the corner, and that
they cannot see through walls.
Bottom Menu Buttons
Unlike the other interface menu buttons, the bottom menu buttons are not static. They change dynamically
depending on the currently selected character and if more than one character is selected. These buttons use
the Function keys as default shortcut keys. The left-most button is always “F1,” the next is “F2” and so on
regardless of which sub-menu is being displayed. The buttons on the bottom menu break down as follows:
Action Buttons (F1-F5 hotkey)
Customizing the Interface: All of the buttons on the main game interface, except for the first three (Guard and
Weapon Combos) can be customized to your liking. By right-clicking on an icon, you bring up the customiza-
tion menu. If you left-click on one of the buttons shown in this menu, it will place the selected icon on the
main game interface. Subsequently, if you right-click again on one of the icons in the customization menu, you
will bring up the specific icons for the abilities/spells under that icon. For example, if you right-click on the
special abilities button, then right click on the feats button, you will see icons for all of your modal feats (feats
that can be turned on and off). Left-clicking on one of these icons will map that icon in the main game inter-
face and replace the special abilities button.
To reset a specific button to its
To reset all of the interface buttons to their
default, left-click the
default settings, left-click
Clear button
Restore Default button
The left-most buttons do the following:
Guard/Protect (F1):
Protects either an area or another character. If this mode is selected,
the desired ground area is L-clicked, and then the cursor is dragged, a circle will appear; this
represents the area that will be guarded. The character will move freely within this area but will
not leave it. He will respond to attacks but will not leave the guarded area until moved some-
where else or if told to guard/protect another area. If a character is selected to be protected, the character
will be followed and any creatures attacking the character will be attacked. If the Guard/Protect mode is cho-
sen but the cursor is not L-clicked and dragged, the character will remain stationary and will not move,
though he will respond to attacks.
Weapon Combo (F2,F3):
These slots correspond to the weapon combo slots on
the Inventory page. Load a weapon into these slots (R-click to choose that
weapon) and it will appear in the relevant slots here.
Use Skills
(F4): Pulls up the menu of skills available to the character.
Cast Spells (F5):
Available to bards, clerics, druids, paladins, rangers, sorcerers, and wiz-
ards. It pulls up the memorized spell list of the caster, allowing you to cast a spell from this list.
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