ADVENTURER’S TIP: Prices in stores can vary according to the Charisma of the buying
or selling character as well as the “Mercantile Background” feat, and it can also vary
based on how many items of a particular type the store already carries. (If Deirdre
in the Targos Trade Depot already has fifty goblin battle axes, and you bring her
another, then chances are, you won’t get top dollar for it.)
Drinks and Rumors:
Bartenders and innkeepers are good for buying drinks and catching
up on the local gossip. Items offered at a bar vary from expensive liquors to cheap ales. Upon
ordering a drink, the proprietor may share rumors he has heard lately. Be careful, however, as
your characters can become intoxicated if they drink too much - and the bartender won’t hesi-
tate to cut you off.
Purchase Healing:
Temples usually offer healing services for a price. A menu will appear
showing the services offered and the price. Select the service you wish to receive and select the
character who needs the healing.
Shops and Temples can usually identify more items than your characters. If you can-
not select the item from the list, then the proprietor cannot identify the item.
Certain items and containers can be picked up or opened; these are identified with a blue highlight when you
move the cursor over them. L-click will allow you to open a container, and a new panel will appear at the
bottom of the screen. The left side of the panel shows the items that are on the ground or in the container
and the right side is a small portion of the selected character’s inventory. Clicking on items on the left side of
the panel moves the items from the ground or container into the character’s inventory. If the character’s
inventory is full, the item will not be transferred.
This process can be reversed. Items can be moved from a character’s inventory into a container or onto the
ground by L-clicking on them in the right side of this panel.
Note that items added to a character’s inventory will automatically stack with others of the same kind when
possible. Furthermore, some items your party can carry can actually act as portable containers. For more
information on these items, see “Gem Bags, Potion Bags, and Scroll Cases,” on page 20.
The container interface can be closed by clicking on the square in the upper right of the container interface
of by L-clicking anywhere on the game map.
Area Map
L-clicking the map button brings up the map the selected character(s) are on. Areas that
have been visited are lit up, areas that haven’t are dark. The character(s) current posi-
tion(s) are shown on the map by green circles.
World Map
Clicking on the World button on the Area Map brings up the World Map. An icon above the appropriate map
shows your characters’ current location. Usually only the areas visited thus far on the world map will be
shown. Note that you cannot travel between areas unless you either know about them or you have traveled to
the edge of the current area and brought up the world map with the “Travel” icon. To move to another area,
highlight the area and click on it.
IWD2 PDF Manual 4/28/03 12:22 PM Page 17