Figure 3017. (Sheet 1 of 1) “info” Command
“Reset” Command
This command causes the KGX to restart. Refer to Figure 3018.
Push the <Enter> key three times to return to the maintenance interface.
Figure 3018. (Sheet 1 of 1) “Reset” Command
(10) “rxstatus” Command
This command displays detailed status and other information about the ADS-B data being
received by the KGX. Refer to Figure 3019 for an example of the output.
The output displayed contains an initial section with general count information (current
UTC second, receiver loop count, and receiver word count). These counts will increment
at varying rates when the receiver is operating correctly.
The next rxstatus output section displays general message count information for ground
Uplink, basic, and long message types. The displayed counts include total messages
received (Total), messages received in the last second (LstSec) and messages with
various counts of corrected Reed-Solomon errors (RSErr: x).
The third rxstatus section displays detailed traffic information. This information includes
total number of traffic targets being tracked and then detailed information about the
ownship data being received and the 10 closest traffic targets. The detailed traffic
information includes address (Addr), address type (Typ), call sign, latitude, longitude,
altitude in feet (Alt), speed in knots (Spd), air ground status (AG), message count (msgs),
signal strength indication (SSI) in dBm, and traffic (TO) in seconds.
Traffic targets will time out being tracked if no ADS-B message is received
from the target for more than 25 seconds.
The fourth rxstatus section displays detailed ground station information. This information
includes total number of ground stations being received and detailed information about
the 10 closest ground stations. The detailed ground station information includes Latitude,
Longitude, Site ID, time slot of last transmission, message count (Msgs), SSI in dBm, and
ground station TO in seconds.
Page 3026
22 Dec 2016
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