Figure 3001. (Sheet 1 of 1) KGX Control Panel
For instructions to use the KGX control panel, refer to Pub. No. D201405000060, BendixKing
KGX 150/130 ADS-B Certified Transceivers and Receivers Pilot’s Guide.
The display shows the operating mode of the KGX, the reported pressure altitude, and
the current squawk code and call sign/flight ID. The wave symbol is displayed when the
KGX transmits ADS-B messages. Refer to Figure 3002.
The pressure altitude is displayed as a flight level, which is the pressure altitude in
hundreds of feet. When non-standard atmospheric conditions apply this might not match
the altimeter indicated altitude but will be correctly reported in the ADS-B message.
Refer to Figure 3003 for the KGX 150/130T powered on in the airborne transmission
mode with a pressure altitude of flight level 500 feet being displayed.
• Squawk code
• Call sign/flight ID
• Reported pressure altitude in hundreds of feet.
If an external controller is configured and functional with the KGX control panel installed,
the KGX control panel displays status, but locks out user control inputs. Mode control
is always provided by the external controller, so the position of the mode selection
knob only serves to turn on power to the ADS-B system. When in the external control
mode, the KGX control panel displays the squawk code and/or call sign/flight ID in
reverse video, as shown in Figure 3004.
Page 3002
22 Dec 2016
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