R3765/67G Series Network Analyzer Operation Manual
6.2 Using the Save/Recall Register
Recalling from the recall-register
Execute the preset and initialize the setting of the R3765/67G series.
Recall the setting by the recall-register.
By the above operation, the display on the screen changes as follows.
Figure 6-6 Recalling from the Recall-register
1. When the saving is performed to the save-register, the setting and the calibration data
are saved in C drive (RAM disk, with backed up), and the memory trace data is saved
in B drive (RAM disk, without backed up).
Therefore, the memory trace data is cleared at power source OFF.
2. In order to save the memory trace data, use the store file function for saving to the
floppy disk in the section 6.3. Refer to section 7.12 for details.