AC_TCOMP Angle Control Torque Compensation Stage
Removing the Prevailing Torque
The strategy will measure the average prevailing torque over a given angle. At the completion
of the stage the torque transducer will have its tare value adjusted by the average torque.
Removing the prevailing torque readings for the remainder of the fastening cycle.
In the fastening below the first stage is an Angle Control Torque Compensation strategy followed
by a torque control strategy to 4NM. This will allow a consistent 4NM to be applied to the clamp
load of the part.
AC_TCOMP Display of Torque Compensation Value
LED Display: The bottom LED display field can
be configured to display the Torque Compensation Tare Value by using the toggle button to
select ‘COMP’ from the available options.
Run Screen: In addition to the Final Audit Torque, the Final Torque Total and the Torque
Compensation Value will be displayed if an AC_TComp stage was completed during the