ST950S Plus+ Installation and Commissioning Manual
9. Plus
Firmware Upgrade
Most of the firmware within the ST950 controller is stored in non-removal devices. This firmware can be
updated using the mechanisms described in this section;
CPU card
EFC firmware
Primary firmware
SEC firmware
Fail Flash firmware
Non-Plus+ GSPI peripheral card (e.g. Serial I/O Cards)
GSPI peripheral firmware
Remote Nodes
9.1. Updating CPU Card Firmware
There are four devices on the CPU card which can be updated using this process:
Fail Flash (But not used on the Plus
An update may change the firmware in either the EFC alone or in all four devices. During an upgrade
the controller detects which devices are affected and performs varies the procedure accordingly.
9.1.1. Delivery of Updates
An update is contained in a single file and may be delivered either directly to the user or through OSS.
Where the file is delivered directly to the user it may be transported by any means appropriate for a file
of several megabytes in size e.g. file transfer, memory stick.
9.1.2. Compatability of Updates
Any important information regarding an update is displayed to the user before the upgrade proceeds,
giving the user the option to cancel the upgrade. Such important information may indicate a change in
functionality and / or interfaces or may indicate a change would be made to the system. Account can
then be taken of the change and the update applied later.
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