ST950S Plus+ Installation and Commissioning Manual
Figure 52. Installation of AGD without Signal Head
If no Nearside on the same pole then connect to terminals in the pole top and use armoured cable for
interconnection between poles. The AGD is to be connected preferably to a RAG Node on a nearby
If there is a Plus+ PDU/Wait on the same Pole as the AGD, the PDU/Wait must be connected
to the same Plus+ Cable as the RAG Node, i.e. be on the same Arm/Ring. (This ensures that
the power consumption of the AGD is considered by the Design Tool)
Note that every AGD on a Pole without any Plus+ equipment will not be included in the power
consumption calculations (on the assumption the Plus+ Cable naturally omits that Pole), so
the installer will need to check there is spare capacity on the cable powering the adjacent RAG
4.8.3. Above Ground Detectors Connected to Nearsides
Where no signal head is available for AGD connection, but a Nearside is available on the same pole,
the AGD can be connected to that Nearside, instead of routing all the way to a RAG Node. Using the
small and flexible black sheathed cable from AGD sensors, it is easiest to wire directly to the 10-way
digital I/O connector PL501 on the base of the green Nearside PCB, see below.
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