ST950S Plus+ Installation and Commissioning Manual
6.3.1. Order of Installation
Remove the electronics from the controller, if required (see above and method in Section
Install the stool into the ground
Run cables to the controller stool.
Terminate the cable armouring to the SEB or CET bars
Test the cables – if applicable.
Fit the controller case to the stool
In-fill the stool
Seal the base
Refit the electronics (if required)
6.3.2. Removal of Controller Electronics (Not normally Required)
Ensure the Master Switch is in the OFF position.
Remove all PCBs from the rack. Swing the rack forward and unscrew the retaining bolts from the back
plate of the rack. Tie this plate to a convenient point on the rear face of the cabinet.
The controller outer case is now ready for installation.
6.4. Installation of Stool
The Plus
Controller can be mounted on one of two different stools.
For all relevant stool installation methods please refer to 667/CC/53060/000 – Yunex TrafficController
Cabinet Stool Installation Method Statement..
6.5. Installation of Traffic Signal Poles.
The installation of the street infrastructure is outlined in the following documents;
667/HE/20662/000 Installation & Commissioning – Signals & Poles
6.6. Site Cable Installation
For all site cabling to be installed, the installer is to refer to the Plus+ STS drawing, site layout
design and configuration documentation. The STS drawing will contain all cable routes,
connection details and street furniture locations.
The design tool and the Plus
Site Layout design has been developed such that it meets the standards
as set out in 667/DS/20664/048 - Traffic Signal Junction Cable Design & Certification for ELV Systems.
In addition, the installer should confirm that the Plus
Site Layout version provided matches that
identified on the Completion Certificate.
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