ST950S Plus+ Installation and Commissioning Manual
Status and Configuration → System → Comms → DSL / Fibre web page
Full details on how to configure then network interface can be found in the ST950 User Interface
Handbook 667/HU/46000/000.
Related information
ST950 and Outstation System Security
6.9.11. Setting the Date and Time
There are two clocks within the system:
Controller - used by the controller application, e.g. CLF and Timetable
System - used by all other applications
These clocks can run independently or be joined together to match the way in which the ST950 is being
used. This relationship between the clocks is called the Time Mode. There are three options for Time
Mode, used as follows:
System Time Mode - controller clock is synchronised to system clock. Use this mode where NTP
or GPS is providing the source of time to the whole ST950 system and synchronisation to other
controllers (e.g. mains synchronisation for CLF) is not required.
Controller Time Mode - system clock is synchronised to the controller clock. Use this mode
where there is no NTP or GPS time source and the system is to maintain its own time (usually
mains synchronised).
Dual Time Mode - system and controller clocks keep independent time. Use this mode where
the system clock must be synchronised to NTP or GPS but the controller clock needs to be
synchronised to neighbouring controllers e.g. to support mains synchronised CLF.
If the controller is installed outside of the UK, ensure that the time-zone and daylight saving
settings have been configured correctly before attempting to set the time.
The time mode, date and time can be set from the web page:
Status and Configuration → Controller → Clocks
The user should configure the controller clocks as required - refer to the Time section in the ST950
Facilities Handbook 667/HB/46000/001 and then set the time and date as follows:
Enter the current date in the 'Set Date' box using one of the accepted formats
Enter the time to be set in the 'Set System Time' and / or 'Set Controller Time' (depending on the
clock system required) in one of the accepted formats
Press the 'Save' button at the precise time set.
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