ST950S Plus+ Installation and Commissioning Manual
6.8. Installing the On Street Equipment
Following the installation of Stool, Controller Cabinet, Signal Poles and Cabling, the next installation
activity is likely to be the remainder of the on-street equipment.
There are number of handbooks that cover these topics in detail;
667/HE/20662/000 Installation & Commissioning – Signals & Poles
667/HB/30000/000 Helios General Handbook
667/HB/31900/000 Heimdall Above Ground Detector Manual
Installing the On Street Equipment
equipment and the details with regards to interconnections.
If the equipment has not been pre-scanned, using the Installation App to allocate the serial numbers of
the Nodes to the configuration file, then this is also a suitable point for this to occur.
The Plus
Installation App Quick Start Guide (667/HQ/53000/300) provides details.
The Plus
Design Layout will have a drawing number and revision. It is prudent to check the
Plus+ Design Layout Configuration matches the Design Layout Drawing.
When using the Installation Application, the home screen will display the Drawing Number,
Drawing Title and Revision. Further details can be found in Plus
Installation App Quick Start
Guide 667/HQ/53000/300
6.9. Controller Commissioning
In order to successfully commission a ST950 Plus
controller, the use of a laptop and the USB handset
port is highly recommended. Many of the traditional handset commands are supported but the user
will find that the web interface provides a more detailed and appropriate view of the controller status to
allow easier testing and commissioning.
It is normally expected that the site design (Plus+ layout configuration, site drawing and IC4
Configuration) is reviewed with the customer. Refer to MM-TS-CS-FM-026 which provides full
details and a checklist. The commissioning processes detailed below assume the customer
FAT has been completed.
6.9.1. ST950S Controller Setup
The following steps summerise what should be performed during commissioning - please use
referenced sections for detail:
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