ST950S Plus+ Installation and Commissioning Manual
10.5.5. Replacement of Multiple Nodes
If there is reason to replace multiple nodes, the process is as described above with one exception. The
‘Acknowledge’ button is no longer available.
In order to amend the serial numbers the user is directed to the ‘General Node Settings’ Page.
Status and Configuration -> Plus+ -> General Node Settings
On this page the old serial numbers can be deleted and the replacement serial numbers written in. On
completion ensure that the ‘Save’ button is pressed.
If the serial numbers to be replaced span several pages, each page with amended serial
numbers needs to be saved before moving on. Failure to do so will mean the original serial
numbers are not removed.
10.6. Logging/Recording Faults and Visits
Every controller should have a log book. It is a small book that is usually stored in the document pocket
affixed to the controller door. On every visit the visiting Engineer should write down in the log book the
date, his name, reason for visit and actions taken. For example, the reasons for the visit may be a fault
report, routine inspection, fitting of new equipment, adjustment of timings, etc. The actions taken may
be PCB or unit replaced, timing adjusted, new equipment fitted, etc. This information is essential for the
next Engineer who may visit the site so that he can see what has happened previously and helps to
reduce duplication of effort.
The requirement to fill in the visit log book also applies to Local Authority Staff. The maintenance
organisation cannot be held responsible for any problems arising from neglect of this responsibility.
If desired the site log facility within the controller can be used as an alternative to the physical log book.
Please see the ST950 User Interface Handbook (667/HU/46000/000) for further details.
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