IM DL850E-01EN
Result Display (Display Result)
This item is the same as the Display Result item for cyclic statistical processing.
In the statistical processing of history waveforms, you can select a waveform with the jog shuttle and press
the SET key to zoom in on it.
Notes about Statistical Processing
• During statistical processing, appears in the center of the screen. All soft keys except for Abort are invalid.
• Statistical processing cannot be performed:
• On waveforms that have been recorded to a hard disk.
• On FFT waveforms.
• When the measurement time period is greater than 100 Mpoint.
• The starting and stopping of statistical processing may require additional time depending on settings such as
the record length, the number of statistical processing items, and the input waveform.
• While the dual capture window is displayed, you can perform statistical processing on captured waveforms.
To perform statistical processing on the waveforms in the main window, turn the display of the dual capture
window off.
• The automated measurement results of captured waveforms are displayed in italics.
Notes about Using the 16-CH Voltage Input Module (720220),
Notes about Using the 16-CH Temperature/Voltage Input Module (720221)
10 Automated Measurement of Waveform Parameters