IM DL850E-01EN
Value Type
Select the data type to extract.
Unsigned: Unsigned integer
Signed: Signed integer
Logic: Boolean
You can monitor up to 60 sub channels with a single port. If the input is turned on for all the sub channels
and the bit length of each sub channel is 16 bits or less, you can monitor all 60 sub channels. However, the
amount of memory is limited, so each time that the length of a sub channel is set longer than 16 bits, the
DL850EV turns the input of sub channels off (sets them so that they cannot be monitored) in decreasing
order starting with sub channel number 60 until the memory usage is within the memory limitations.
LIN Data Conversion Conditions
Configure these settings when the data type is set to Unsigned or Signed. The Factor and Offset values that you
set here are used to convert the extracted data to physical values.
Factor: Scaling coefficient (value per bit)
Offset: Offset value
Selectable range: −10.000E+30 to +10.000E+30
Using up to 16 characters, enter the unit to display for the waveform.
Loading a LIN Data Definition File (Symbol File Load)
You can configure the LIN data extraction conditions by loading a LIN data definition file (an SBL file).
Data that has been edited using Symbol Editor is assigned to DL850EV sub channels 1 to 60 according to the
order in the definition list (you can change the order in the Symbol Editor’s definition list).
* An SBL file (.SBL extension) is an LDF file that has been converted and edited into a physical value/symbol
definition file using YOKOGAWA’s free Symbol Editor software. You can obtain Symbol Editor from the
YOKOGAWA website (http://www.yokogawa.com/ymi/).
A LDF file is a definitions file that has been written according to the LIN configuration language specification.
2 Vertical Axis