IM DL850E-01EN
Zooming Captured Waveforms (Mag, Position)
Zooms the displayed captured waveforms.
Zoom Factor (Mag)
You can set the zoom factor to a value between the time axis setting at the time when the captured waveform
was acquired to the minimum captured-waveform time-axis setting of 1 μs/div.
Position (Position)
The captured waveform is zoomed around the position that you set here.
Turning the Display of the Capture Window On and Off (Window ON and OFF)
You can set whether to display the dual capture window. When the dual capture window is displayed, cursor
measurement, automated measurement of waveform parameters, and statistical processing are performed on
the captured waveforms. When the dual capture window is not displayed, measurement and processing are
performed on the main waveforms.
• ON: The dual capture window is displayed.
• OFF: The dual capture window is not displayed.
Display Ratio of the Main Window (Main Ratio)
Window Layout (Window Layout)
Set the display position of the dual capture window.
• Side: Horizontal
• Vertical: Vertical
Format (Format)
Select the display format of the dual capture window from the following options. If you select a value, the dual
capture window is divided equally to display waveforms.
Main (Main): Same as the display format of the main window of each display group.
1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16: The dual capture window is broken up into the specified number of divisions.
Event Display (Event Display)
You can display the points where triggering occurred during dual capturing as events. When the waveform data
is saved, the event data is saved along with the main waveforms. When you load the main waveforms, the
events are also loaded.
Main waveform
Trigger Trigger
The locations of captured waveforms are indicated.
Waveforms That Are Captured (Allocation)
The waveforms of the channels whose check boxes are selected in the allocation window and whose displays
are turned on are displayed.
5 Waveform Acquisition