IM DL850E-01EN
OR Trigger
The DL850E/DL850EV triggers on the OR of multiple trigger source edges.
AND Trigger
The DL850E/DL850EV triggers on the AND of multiple trigger source conditions. The DL850E/DL850EV triggers
when all the specified conditions are met at a single point.
Period Trigger
The DL850E/DL850EV triggers on a specified period of occurrence of state condition B. The DL850E/DL850EV
triggers when state condition B occurs again.
Pulse Width Trigger
The DL850E/DL850EV triggers according to the relationship between the state condition B achievement time
and the specified reference times (Time or T1 and T2).
Wave Window Trigger
The DL850E/DL850EV creates real-time templates (Wave Window) using a number of cycles directly preceding
the current waveforms. The DL850E/DL850EV compares the current waveforms to the real-time templates and
triggers if one of the current waveforms falls outside of its real-time template.
Reference cycles (example: the waveforms
for the four previous cycles)
Current waveform
Real-time template
Average waveform
+ tolerance
Average of 1, 2, or
4 cycles
The DL850E/DL850EV
compares the current
waveform to the real-time
template and triggers if the
current waveform falls
outside of the real-time
Measured waveform
Trigger Source
Trigger source
refers to the signal that is used to check the specified trigger conditions. You can set the trigger
source to an analog signal, logic signal, time, external signal, or power line signal. Select the appropriate trigger
source for the trigger type.
Trigger Level
Trigger level
refers to the signal level used as a reference for detecting a signal’s rising and falling edges or high
and low states. With simple triggers such as the edge trigger, the DL850E/DL850EV triggers when the trigger
source level passes through the specified trigger level. The range and resolutions that you can use to set the
trigger level vary depending on the type of signal being measured.
Waveform Acquisition
Based on the data that has been stored in the acquisition memory, the DL850E/DL850EV performs various
operations, such as displaying waveforms on the screen, computing, measuring cursors, and automatically
measuring waveform parameters.
You can set the number of data points to store in the acquisition memory (the record length), enable or disable
the sample data averaging feature, and so on.
1 Main Features