with no login"or "USER user@host:port". Even if the FTP client does not offer proxy
configuration, SX-GATE's FTP proxy can be used easily. In this case you may no
longer contact the FTP site directly. No matter which FTP site you want to contact,
connect to SX-GATE instead. Do not forget to specify the non-standard port 2121.
FTP clients invoked from the command line usually take the port as an additional
parameter (e.g. "ftp 2121"). Instead of entering the remote login only,
you will now have to append an "@" character and the address of the FTP site (e.g.
"[email protected]"). A non-standard port can be specified separated by a colon
(e.g. "[email protected]:21000"). Login with your password as usual. SX-GATE's
FTP proxy will not prompt for a password of its own.
Only "real" FTP clients are able to use the FTP proxy with non-
transparent access. For FTP downloads with a web browser SX-
GATE's web proxy on port 8080 has to be used instead.
Allowed FTP servers
Use this control to specify the accepted target FTP servers and its corresponding
accounts. If the list is empty, the proxy will deny access to any server.
Enter the login for the target FTP server here. Use "ftp" to grant access for
anonymous FTP. If you leave the input field empty, the FTP proxy will accept
logins to any account on the FTP server.
Destination server
Fill in the name or the IP address of the target FTP server here. Do not enter
anything in order to accept access to any FTP server.
Optionally you can specify a non-standard port for the FTP server. If you do not
specify anything in here, SX-GATE assumes 21.
Some typical example rules which may be combined to satisfy your requirements. The
specification of the server port can be omitted as it is usually not required.
Access to any FTP server
Simply leave all fields blank an click "Add". The rule "*@*:21" will appear.
Combining this rule with others will only make sense if the
other rules refer to a different port.
Anonymous access to any FTP server
Enter "ftp" as "Account" and leave all other fields blank. "Add" will add the rule
"ftp@*:21" to the list.