Automatic redirection of emails may be subject to legal
constraints or might even be prohibited by law.
Refuse to accept mails when score exceeds
Exceeding this threshold, SX-GATE's mail server will refuse to accept the email. The
sending system in charge of a proper reaction like e.g. notifying the sender or an
administrator. If you want to be sure that no requested email gets lost, you should not
enable this option. Activate the threshold "Tag an email as SPAM when it is scored
more than" instead and make use of the features offered by the mail client programs
to sort emails based on header lines.
Emails which have been retrieved from a POP server by SX-
GATE's mail client will be silently discarded if the mail server
refuses delivery due to the SPAM filter. There will be no
notification and it is not possible to undelete the email. The email
is lost irrecoverable!
To avoid loss of important emails you should be very carefully
when activating this option. You should select a value which
is rather to high than to low. Please note that automatically
deleting email may be subject to legal constraints or might even
be prohibited by law.
SPAM scores
The settings made on this screen will not only apply to the relay SPAM filter, but also
to the user specific SPAM filter as configured in the user administration.
Userdefined SPAM checks
This control allows you to extend the SPAM checks by self-defined rules. First you have
to decide to which part of the mail a new rule applies. If the specified pattern is found
in a mail, the selected score is accounted.
The following types of SPAM filter rules are available:
The pattern is looked up in the email's subject.
This will check the sender of the mail (From header).