Delivery parameters
Forward outgoing emails
Outgoing emails can be forwarded immediately or they can be added to a queue first.
In this case the mails will be sent all together the next time the queue is processed.
This is particularly useful with dial-up Internet connections to save connection fees.
Process send queue every
This and the following option control, when emails waiting in the SX-GATE mail queue
will be processed. An email is queued if the previous attempt to deliver the mail failed
or if deferred delivery has been configured.
At least one of the two options must be enabled and functional.
Otherwise emails will be queued forever.
The mail queue will be processed by the mail server in the interval configured here. So
this value specifies the minimum period of time a mail will wait in the queue until the
next attempt to deliver it is made.
Process send queue on Internet dial-in
Activate this option if SX-GATE is directly connected to the Internet using an ISDN PPP
or ADSL dial-up link. Each time a new dial-up connection is established, an attempt is
made to deliver the emails waiting in the queue.
If SX-GATE has no direct PPP dial-up Internet connection, this
option is without effect.
Notify sender, if mail cannot be delivered within
If the mail server cannot deliver an email while processing the queue and this email has
been waiting in the queue longer than the period of time configured here, the sender
will be notified. The notification will be sent only once per email.
Notifications will be sent while processing the send queue. So
the actual period of time until such a notification is delivered may
be longer than the period you configured here. Please coordinate
this option with the time interval specified for processing the