At least two rules are necessary to grant access to
approved URLs only. The first rule references an URL filter
list with the allowed target. The second rule denies access
to any URL (Filter list "*").
Proxy tunnel detection
This option activates checks for tunneled connections (https) that try to bypass local
security guidelines.
This option is only active for requests that have the category
"Proxy server" blocked.
Reverse lookup IP addresses
If this option is on a reverse lookup will be done for IP addresses to find the matching
DNS name. This will prevent that blocked URLs are accessible by using IP addresses
in a browser's address bar.
Message "Access denied"
Except for requests denied by database category "Advertising", an error message is
delivered to the browser if the URL filter denies access. There are several different
options for this message.
If this option is selected, only a brief message indicating that access is denied
will be shown.
To get more detailed information you can select this option. This includes e.g. the
information if access has been denied due to a blocked filename extension or it
will give you the database category associated with a forbidden domain.
Detailed with logging
Extends the previous option with logging of blocked requests.
Custom URL:
It is even possible to use a custom forbidden message. Enter a complete
web server URL (e.g. http://www.example.com/forbidden.html) which is to be
displayed whenever a request is denied.