Fixed password for system-mail
This function allows you to set or clear a fixed mail password for the selected user. This
password is required to access the POP3, IMAP4 and Webmail server on SX-GATE.
Also SX-GATE's mail relay server uses this password for SMTP-Auth.
Use this feature if the user is not able to specify the password to
access his mailbox. This is the case if e.g. a central mail server
polls for the users' mails.
Fixed Password for system-proxy
This function allows you to set or clear a fixed proxy password for the selected user.
Fixed password for system-ras
Set or clear a fixed RAS password for the selected user.
Mail administration
Mail aliases
The email address of a user corresponds to the login name. To map an additional email
address to a user you can insert the respective local part of the address here. The local
part of an email address is the part before the "@" character. If for instance the login of
a user is "brown", the email address "[email protected]" corresponds to the user
automatically. To map the address "[email protected]" to the same user,
you have to add the alias "charly.brown".
If the same alias was added to multiple users they will all receive
a copy of mails addressed to this alias. When adding the name
of a SX-GATE group as a user's alias, emails to the group
will also be delivered to the user. In theory aliases can be
used to implement a distribution list. However you should use
aliases only for personal email addresses of a user. Otherwise
the configuration might become confusing. Use groups to setup
distribution lists or mail addresses associated with a certain role
like e.g. "sales" or "concierge".