Bitrate of the codec used
Enter the net bandwidth of the codec to be used. Take the codec with the largest
bandwidth if different codecs are in use.
When calculating the total required bandwidth the system
will automatically take the IP overhead into account. Lower
bandwidth consumption causes more overhead.
Max. number of calls via IPSec
Enter the expected maxium number of simultaneous calls over VPN on this interface.
It is used to calculate the overall bandwidth that needs to be reserved for VoIP traffic.
The value "0" will disable this feature.
Wenn enabled, VoIP data packets will be expedited. This applies
to the plain packet as well as to the VPN packet after encryption.
The total bandwidth of the link must not be exceeded.
Bitrate of the codec used in IPSec
Enter the net bandwidth of the codec to be used. Take the codec with the largest
bandwidth if different codecs are in use.
When calculating the total required bandwidth the system will
automatically take the IP and the IPSec overhead into account.
Lower bandwidth consumption causes more overhead.
Use this feature to determine the priority of outgoing data packets. A proportional
minimum bandwidth is assigned to each priority class. Unused bandwidth of a class
will be used by classes with lower priority.
The minimum bandwidth is assigned as follows: The bandwidth required for VoIP
according to the configuration is reserved and subtracted from the total available
bandwidth. Of the remaining bandwidth, 10% goes to empty TCP ACK packets, 50% to
packets with high priority and 20% to packets with normal and low priority respectively.