Import of users and groups
Users and groups can be imported from an Active Directory. The Active Directory has
to prepared for the import as follows:
Create a distribution group (e.g. "internet-users"). Later this group will contain
all objects to be imported.
All the groups which have to be imported by SX-GATE must become a
member of this distribution group.
Only direct group members will be taken into
account. Subgroups will not be imported.
Usually you will create the relevant SX-GATE system groups in the Active
All direct and indirect user members of each selected group will become a
member of the imported group on SX-GATE.
The results of an hierarchical search in
the group structure below the currently
processed group will determine the indirect
The set of users which has been collected that way decides which users have
to be available in the user administration of SX-GATE.
Now what about the users and groups which are available on SX-GATE but not in
the Active Directory? In general it makes no difference if the respective user or group
has been added on SX-GATE by hand or if it is an imported object which is no longer
selected in the Active Directory.