5.2 Basic configuration
On the SX-GATE home page you will find the checklist "Getting started". Go through
it one by one to complete the basic configuration of SX-GATE. Later you can open the
menu on the left for a detailed configuration of all SX-GATE modules.
You will find detailed information on the setup options in the
online help. Click the questionmark icon or the titel of the option
you're interested in to display the corresponding online help
If you still have to change SX-GATE's LAN IP, the wizard "LAN integration" will let you
configure a new address. Please note that right after you finish this wizard, SX-GATE
will no longer be reachable using its old IP. It's now time to reset your computer's IP
address if you had to change it in order to access SX-GATE on its default IP. Then you
will also have to adapt the IP in the browser's address bar to re-gain access to SX-
GATE's administration interface.