Search patterns ("matches") are case-insensitive. Some characters have a special
* (Asterisk)
It represents a sequence of arbitrary characters. The sequence may also be
missing. As searching for such a sequence of any length is rather time-consuming,
an asterisk matches no more than 30 characters. The pattern "a*d" will match e.g.
"ad", "a_d" and "abcd".
? (Question mark)
Any single character is matched by a question mark. If for instance "a?d" is looked
up, "a_d" is a hit. In contrast "ad" and "abcd" do not apply.
_ (Underscore)
An underscore matches any amount of whitespace characters, i.e. spaces, tabs
and new-lines. As an example, "a_d" will match "a d", but not "ad" or "a_d".
Please keep an eye on the configured thresholds when selecting the score for a new
rule. For a rule which refers to SPAM mails you have to select a positive value. Negative
numbers reduce the probability of matching emails to be classified as SPAM.
English language indicates potential SPAM
The majority of SPAM mails is written in English language. Activate this switch to add
some points to the SPAM score of every English email. This will result in a significant
increase of the probability that the score of English mails will exceed the configured
SPAM filter thresholds.
SPAM lists
SPAM filter whitelist
If an email was identified as SPAM by mistake, you can add the sender to this list. The
SPAM filter will subtract 100 points from the SPAM score of a mail, if the sender is
found in this list. Thus all future emails of senders listed here will never be recognised
as SPAM.
The menu "Modules > Mail Server > SPAM/Virus/Malware"
allows you to define a whitelist which applies to all users.
You can add a complete email address (e.g. [email protected]) to prevent filtering
emails from this specific address. If you want to allow every email from a specific domain
to pass, add only the domain part of the address (e.g. example.com).
SPAM filter blacklist
If a user receives SPAM mails from the same sender again and again and the SPAM
mail filter does not identify these emails as SPAM, you should add the sender to this