During the import procedure neither users nor groups will be
deleted completely on SX-GATE. This avoids the loss of data
and settings.
The members of a SX-GATE system group will not be changed if this group
is not or no longer found in the Active Directory.
A non-system group will loose all of its members. Note that the group will still
serve e.g. as a mail distributor for external recipients. Delete the group by
hand if it is no longer needed.
From this it follows that a user will continue to be a member of the system
groups which are not available in the Active Directory. He will no longer be
member of any other group. Delete redundant users manually.
SX-GATE uses the standard windows name (Common Name) when importing a
group. For a user, the compatibility name for "pre-Windows 2000" is used instead
(SAMAccountName). Upper case characters in user or group names will be translated
to lower case automatically.
Users and groups which do not comply with the naming
conventions of SX-GATE won't be imported. The name must
begin with a letter and must consist of the letters "a" through "z",
digits, dots, dashes and underscores.
In addition to the user and group structure the user's passwords can be imported,
too. However this requires the installation of a library (DLL) on the windows domain
controller. Please refer to tab "Synchronisation of passwords" for further information.
The account of a new imported user is locked until the
administrator assigns a password on SX-GATE. If the password
DLL is installed on the domain controller and a password has
been stored in the Active Directory the account will be enabled
Active Directory SX-GATE group
Determine the Active Directory group which contains all the objects to be imported
by SX-GATE. If all users and groups are members of the Active Directory container
"users", entering the group name (e.g. "internet-users") is sufficient. Otherwise you
have to specify the complete Distinguished Name (DN) here (e.g. "CN=internet-