using LDAP (Active Directory)
The requested recipient addresses will be looked up in an Active Directory
(attribute "proxyAddresses"). The necessary parameters for LDAP access have
to be configured in menu "System > User administration > Settings".
Accept mail if verification is not possible
With this option disabled, SX-GATE reports a temporary SMTP failure if the verification
is not possible as the required service is unavailable. When using SMTP to verify the
address, temporary failures reported by the internal server (e.g. due to insufficient
storage space) are simply forwarded. So in both cases the mail will remain on the
sending system, which will usually retry delivery later. SX-GATE will accept the mail
only after it successfully verified it with the internal mail server.
Enable this option and SX-GATE will accept the mail without verification in both
situations. SX-GATE will queue the mail if the internal mail server is unreachable. SX-
GATE will return the mail to its sender if the internal mail server refuses to accept it (e.g.
due to an invalid recipient address) or the queue time limit has expired (setting "Return
mail as undeliverable, if mail cannot be sent within" on tab "Delivery parameters").
SMTP port for verification
Address verification can use a different port than the actual mail delivery.
Test LDAP connection
With this button you can test if email addresses can be found in Active Directory.
Emails to unknown local recipients
If a mail is addressed to a local domain, but there is no corresponding user or group, SX-
GATE can refuse the delivery. The system which tried to deliver the mail is responsible
to notify the sender in this case. Alternatively you can deliver mail to unknown recipients
to a specific local user mailbox or distributor (group). You can not enter a complete
mail address (with "@" and domain) in this case. Please specify the username (login)
or the name of the group instead.
You cannot refuse the delivery of emails which have been
retrieved from a POP server by SX-GATE's mail client. Emails
will be delivered to the administrator if you select this option
Block mails sent from mail address, mail domains or IP address
SX-GATE will refuse to accept emails from addresses listed here. It is possible to
specify the following types of entries: