ChipScope Pro Software and Cores User Guide
UG029 (v14.3) October 16, 2012
ChipScope Pro Analyzer Features
Print Wizard (1 of 3) Window
The first Print Wizard window is used to set up various waveform printing options. The
following sections describe these waveform printing options in more detail.
Horizontal Scaling
You can control the amount of waveform data that prints to each column of pages using
one of two methods:
Fit To
: Fit the waveform to one or more columns of pages
: Fit a specific number of waveform samples on each column of pages
The default fits the entire waveform printout to a single column of pages wide.
Signal/Bus Selection
You can control which signals and buses are present in the waveform printout using one of
three methods:
Current View
: Print waveform data for all the signals and buses in the current view of
the waveform window
: Print waveform data for all the signals and buses available in the entire core unit
: Print waveform data for only those signals and buses that are currently
selected in the waveform window
The default prints waveform data using the Current View method.
Time/Sample Range
You can control the range of time units or number of samples printed using one of four
Current View
: Print waveform data using the same range of samples that is present in
the current waveform view
Full Range
: Print waveform data using a range of samples consisting of all samples in
the entire sample buffer
Between X/O Cursors
: Print waveform data using a range of samples starting with the
X cursor and ending with the O cursor (or vice versa)
Custom View
: Print waveform data using a range of samples defined by:
The starting window number
The sample number within that starting window
The ending window number
The sample number within the ending window
The default prints waveform data using the Current View method.
Print Signal Names
You can choose to print the signal names on each page or only on the first page. When
Show Cursor Values
is enabled, this value also affects the display of the X/O cursor