ChipScope Pro Software and Cores User Guide
UG029 (v14.3) October 16, 2012
Appendix A:
ChipScope Pro Tools Troubleshooting Guide
ChipScope Pro Tools Installation Troubleshooting
Common Error Messages/problems that point to issues with a ChipScope Pro tools install
are shown in
Table A-1:
Troubleshooting ChipScope Pro Tools Installation Issues
Solution(s) or Work-Around(s)
On either Windows or Linux systems, double clicking
on a <filename>.cdc file in the ISE tool does not
launch the inserter and the following error appears in
the console:
ERROR: Unable to find the Chipscope Exe at
Check that your environment is set up correctly by
ensuring that the following three parameters are set
The CHIPSCOPE environment variable needs to be
set to a valid Xilinx ChipScope Pro tools installation
to operate correctly.
On Windows systems, select
Start > Settings >
Control Panel > System > Advanced > System
. Set the environment variable
CHIPSCOPE to point to your installation.
Typically this would be C:\Xilinx\
<version number>\ChipScope
On Linux systems, set and environment variable
CHIPSCOPE to point to your installation. For
example: setenv CHIPSCOPE
/tools/xilinx/<version number>/chipscope
The XILINX environment variable needs to be set to
a valid Xilinx ISE tool installation directory for
ChipScope Pro tools to operate correctly.
On Windows systems, select
Start > Settings >
Control Panel > System > Advanced > System
. Set the environment variable XILINX
to point to your installation. Typically this would
be C:\Xilinx\<version number>\ISE
On Linux systems, at the completion of the
installation process, the installation program
creates an environment variables file for you. Go
to your Xilinx ISE installation directory and
source <settings file> (where <settings file> is
settings32.sh, settings32.csh, settings64.sh, or
settings64.csh, depending on your OS and shell
From inside the ISE tool, check and make sure that the
Edit > Preferences > ISE General > Integrated Tools
set to <install>/bin/<platform>
<install> is the ChipScope Pro tools installation
<platform> is lin, lin64, nt, nt64 for 32-bit Linux OS,
64-bit Linux OS, 32-bit Windows OS, and 64-bit
Windows OS, respectively. Note that <platform> for
ChipScope Pro tools must match that of the ISE tools.
On Windows systems, when running the inserter
from the Start menu you see a splash screen but the
ChipScope Pro Core Inserter tool does not start up.
On Windows systems, when running inserter from
the command line you see a pop-up dialog box with
the following message:
inserter.exe - entry point not found
On Linux systems, after running the inserter.sh
script to launch the core inserter you see the
following errors:
ERROR: Unable to locate Xilinx ISE <release
number> tools in path!
ERROR: You must set the CHIPSCOPE
environment variable before running this tool