ChipScope Pro Software and Cores User Guide
UG029 (v14.3) October 16, 2012
CSE/Tcl Examples
% puts stdout “status = $inputTclArray(status.value)”
% puts stdout “data_bus = $inputTclArray(data_bus)”
Get the various activity states of the “status” signal and print them to stdout:
%csevio_read_values $handle $coreRef inputTclArray
% puts stdout “up = $inputTclArray(status.activity_up)”
% puts stdout “dn = $inputTclArray(status.activity_down)”
% puts stdout “sup = $inputTclArray(status.sync_activity_up)”
% puts stdout “sdn = $inputTclArray(status.sync_activity_down)”
Back to list of all CseVIO Tcl Commands
CSE/Tcl Examples
The ChipScope Pro installation includes an example Tcl script that uses the CseJtag Tcl
interface. This example opens a Xilinx Parallel cable or Xilinx Platform USB cable and
scans the JTAG chain and returns information about the devices found in the chain. The
example script is located in the following location:
The script can be run in the Tcl shell (xtclsh) that is included with Xilinx ISE Design Suite or
in the ActiveTcl 8.4 Tcl shell (tclsh) from ActiveState Software Inc. (
). To run the Tcl example in a command line shell, change to the directory where
is located (see above). Next, follow these instructions for the
particular operating system:
On 32-bit Windows operating systems:
To use a Xilinx Parallel Cable, type:
<XILINX_ISE_INSTALL>\bin\nt\xtclsh csejtag_example1.tcl -par
To use a Xilinx Platform Cable USB, type:
<XILINX_ISE_INSTALL>\bin\nt\xtclsh csejtag_example1.tcl -usb
On 64-bit Windows operating systems:
To use a Xilinx Parallel Cable, type:
<XILINX_ISE_INSTALL>\bin\nt64\xtclsh csejtag_example1.tcl -par
To use a Xilinx Platform Cable USB, type:
<XILINX_ISE_INSTALL>\bin\nt64\xtclsh csejtag_example1.tcl -usb
On 32-bit Linux operating systems:
To use a Xilinx Parallel Cable, type:
<XILINX_ISE_INSTALL>/bin/lin/xtclsh csejtag_example1.tcl -par
To use a Xilinx Platform Cable USB, type:
<XILINX_ISE_INSTALL>/bin/lin/xtclsh csejtag_example1.tcl -usb
On 64-bit Linux operating systems:
To use a Xilinx Parallel Cable, type:
<XILINX_ISE_INSTALL>/bin/lin64/xtclsh csejtag_example1.tcl -par
To use a Xilinx Platform Cable USB, type:
<XILINX_ISE_INSTALL>/bin/lin64/xtclsh csejtag_example1.tcl -usb