ChipScope Pro Software and Cores User Guide
UG029 (v14.3) October 16, 2012
Chapter 4:
Using the ChipScope Pro Analyzer
starting iteration number appended to the base file name are created in the same directory
as the initial result file.
Use the
controls to specify how long a measurement is taken at a particular
scan offset location.
Use the
option to specify the lowest bit error ratio that should be achieved before
moving to the next scan offset.
Use the
option to specify how much time should be spent accumulating data
before moving to the next scan offset.
Test Results
Test Results
panel shows the current iteration, elapsed time, and estimated time
remaining to complete the test. Below this status information are three tabbed panels
showing the results of the sweep test:
Sweep Test Log
Sweep Test Plots
Sweep Test Info
Sweep Test Log:
Sweep Test Log
tabbed panel is always enabled and contains the
running log of the sweep test results. The information in this panel is shown using a text-
only display. The results of the sweep test are also stored in a CSV log file.
Sweep Test Plots:
Sweep Test Plots
tabbed panel is enabled only after the sweep test
has stopped running. The graphical data shown in the sweep test plot window
corresponds to the data stored in the CSV log file.
If the 2D Full Scan algorithm is used, each plot corresponds to a sweep across the
horizontal and the vertical ranges specified in the
Scan Settings
panel. The color of the plot
region corresponds to the BER accumulation level at each offset sample point. Use the
selection buttons in the
Plot List
area on the right side of the
Sweep Test Plots
panel to
show one plot at a time. Use the right-click menu options to rename the plot.
Below the plot area is the
Plot Type
combo box.
Contour (filled)
is chosen by default. This
displays contour lines at each integer value (e-1, e-2, etc.) as well as halfway in between
(5e-1, 5e-2, etc). Choosing
Contour (lines)
displays the same plot, but with the lines
colored, and no fill color between them. Choosing
values will not perform an
interpolation between the values, and display each scanned point as one block of color
according to the BER value.
If the 1D Bathtub scan algorithm is used, each plot corresponds to a sweep across the unit
interval (UI) of the received signal. The left and right edges of the data plot correspond to
settings in the
Scan Settings
panel. In 1D Bathtub mode, the main
measurement that is observed in the sweep test plot is the width of the UI "opening" of the
active plot at the lowest measured bit error ratio (BER). Use the selection buttons in the plot
list area on the right side of the
Sweep Test Plots
panel hide or show each plot. Use the
right-click menu options to rename or re-color each plot and set a plot as “active”. The
horizontal and vertical markers help you take measurements on the “active” plot. The
horizontal marker can be moved up and down and the vertical markers can be moved left
and right by clicking and dragging them.
Sweep Test Info:
Sweep Test Info
panel is also enabled only after the sweep test has
stopped running. The tabular data shown in the
Sweep Test Info
panel corresponds to the
data shown in the graphical
Sweep Test Plots
panel. Each row in the table corresponds to
a single sweep test plot.