Control Devices 69-71, 73-74
Diagnostics 154
Directory 35, 39
Graphics Library 66-68
Help 154
Networking 33
Room Labels 34
Security 31-32
Streaming 48
System 49, 75
User Interface 75
Video Inputs 37, 39, 65
Video Outputs 66
Video Switching 64-65
to cameras 35, 37
to Dante devices 42-43, 45
pan/tilt recalibration 133, 151
parametric equalizer 53
part numbers 4-6
passwords 31
PEQ (parametric equalizer) 55
performance specifications 145, 147
phantom power 52
physical and environmental
pin-out, RS-232 13-14
ping command 133
PIP 17, 66, 106, 123
layout 66, 106
source 66, 106, 123
source, from EasyIP camera 17
PIP screen 106
PoE+ port 7-10
point light compensation 83, 85
power down 132
power on/power off 20, 97-98, 119, 131
power up 132
powering microphones 52
precautions 4-6, 11
for operating the system 11
presets 79, 81, 97-98, 102, 115
clearing 98
moving to 102, 115
renaming 81
setting 79, 98, 115
product capabilities 3, 145, 147
puffy logo badge 7-8
quick reference 28-29, 47, 53, 85-86, 97-98
audio adjustments 53
new device system administration 28
remote control 97
system behaviors 47
Vaddio IR Remote Commander 98
web interface 29
ready state 119, 131-132
rebooting 96, 134
recalibration, pan and tilt 133, 151
red gain 83, 86, 116-117
remote control 77, 79, 97-99
removing cameras from the directory 39
requirements 2, 11-12, 15-18
EasyIP system 2
installation 11-12, 15-18
network 11
reset 133, 151, See also rebooting; restoring
default settings
resolution, HDMI 90
restoring a configuration 92
restoring default settings 134, 153
Reverberant Room (audio setting) 53
RJ-45 connectors 12
room information 34
Room Labels page (web) 34
routing audio 43, 45-46, 62
using Dante Controller 43, 45-46
RS-232 13-14
cable pin-out 13-14
communication settings 13-14
setting values 142-143
saving a configuration 92
scenes, CCU 82
storing 84
Scott 82
Security page (web) 31-32
self-signed certificate 25
Complete Manual for EasyIP Systems