Revision: 1.00
Copyright 2015 U.S. Robotics Corporation
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P a g e
When the tunnel is successfully added a new field in the VPN tab will appear for each tunnel that is
Tunnels can be removed in the bottom right corner of the field of each tunnel using the “delete tunnel”
Configuring a Tunnel
3 elements can be configured for each tunnel.
IKE Settings
IPsec Settings
All fields must be configured for the tunnel to become active.
The identity section provides the ability to configure:
The basic authentication method: currently only PSK is available
A pre shared key
The interface on which the tunnel should be used. Here the user can select if the tunnel can only be
used on a specific connection type or all connection types
Remote Host
Remote & Local identity: These are optional fields that can used in case the other tunnel endpoint
has configured a local identity. This field may contain an IP or a FQDN (fully qualified domain name)