Revision: 1.00
Copyright 2015 U.S. Robotics Corporation
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IP Config
The IP configuration field allows to set:
IP address: This is the IP address on which the gateway will be reachable from the Ethernet switches
Net mask: Allows to configure a specific netmask, default
Enable DHCP Server: When enabled the DHCP service of the gateway will be available to all devices
connected through the Ethernet switch, when enabled the address range can be selected
DNS 1 & 2: these fields allow specification of custom primary and secondary DNS servers using their
IP address
The reserved and active leases table manages the devices’ ability to connect to ports of the Ethernet
Switch card. To add a device manually to the list click the "add" button. Host name, Mac & IP address
are required. A specific lease time can be selected.
Default the gateway uses subnet 4 on the Ethernet switch card. Subnet 1 is reserved for the main
Ethernet interface, Subnet 2 & 3 for the WLAN SSID1 & SSID2 interfaces.