Page 92 of 101 pages
Connecting to the PCS Target platform
The program can be connected to the PCS Target by RS232 serial cable, or via a
modem. If the program is configured to perform connection via a modem (Modem
Active selected), pressing 'Go Online' button on main XPCS window will display
'Modem connection' dialog box:
By pressing 'Connect' button, the program will try to connect to the remote PCS
Target. Opening connection between remote PCS Target and PC, performs the
following tasks:
Check if COM Port is available.
Dial a phone number.
Wait for connection establishment.
Check if remote target platforms are connected.
If one of the tasks fails, the program will abort connection process and will display
relevant error message.
If 'Modem active' option is not selected, the program will open communication
port, by pressing 'Connect'. In this case, communication establishment tasks will
Check if COM Port is available.
Note: In this case the program is not checking if target platform is
After connection was established, the main XPCS window will be displayed.
When program is online, buttons 'Go offline', 'Calibration', 'Download' will be
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