Page 97 of 101 pages
When download process is completed, the message "Download
Finished" will be displayed in the status bar.
Note: If error occurs during download process, relevant error massage will
be displayed. The message box with 'Retry' option will be displayed.
After completion of the downloading process, the download window will be
displayed as follows:
Note: Upload and Download green messages of the Parameters and Gain &
Offset tasks are displayed only if the relevant options were selected in the
'Options' window
Expectable errors list
Can not upload Gain and Offset!
This message may be displayed during download process, when
the program is trying to upload Gain and Offset values.
Probably a communication failure between PCS Target and the PC.
Check if communication RS232 cable is connected. If it is a modem
connection, check if Modem cable is connected. In this case it can be that the
remote modem cable is disconnected or RS232 cable between the remote
modem and target platform is disconnected.
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