Gaze Precision describes the point-to-point variation between individual gaze samples (here specified with binocular data, ie both eyes, and
measured on artificial eyes). Gaze Precision with Stampe filter is with Stampe stage 2 noise-reduction algorithm applied to raw data (Stampe ,
Behavior Research Methods, Instruments & Computers 1993, 25 (2), 137-142).
Precision without filter is based on raw data, without any de-noising filter applied, either inside or outside the eye tracker.
Precision under ideal conditions is measured with users placed in the center of the eye tracker track box with the head resting on a chin rest, and the
room and screen illumination constant at 300 lux.
Precision across head box is measured with users after calibration systematically positioned at varying positions ranging from center of the head box
up to ± 15 cm horizontal, ± 10 cm vertical and ± 10 cm distance.
Tobii PCEye Go User’s manual v.2.8 - en-US
Appendix D Technical Specifications